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August 2020


"The online format works really well. I loved being able to learn from home."

"The coffee and snacks were rubbish but guess that's my fault as it's an online course! - Otherwise brilliant!"

"High yield. More interactive than anything else I've done online. Thank you!"

"The use of Pacsbin and QR codes for extra cases was fantastic"



February 2020 Course:


"The best thing about the course is Stuart and Ian. Motivated teachers who keep it really interesting".

"Back at work for one day and already we are thinking in exam mode".

"Amazing course, really well organised".

"So many cases that I hadn't seen before".

"Great depth of knowledge".

"Great opportunity to ask questions throughout the course".

"Non-confrontational way of increasing knowledge".

July 2019 Course:


"I would like to thank you both (and of course any behind the scenes grafters) for such a fantastic course this summer.  It was the perfect way to kickstart my revision again, having sat this exam already. In particular, I'd like you to know that I thought your approach as course leaders was outstanding. You were both so warm in your welcome and encouraging in your teaching. This approach had an enormous impact on me, a trainee in the midst of exam disappointment, going through the frustration of starting revision all over again. Anyone can share a case, but you both went that extra mile. I do hope you continue to run this course for the benefit of future exam candidates."

July 2019 Course:


"Perfect timing to start revision."

"Really enjoyable course, really enthusiastic teachers, highly recommended."

"Need some soup for lunch - it was 28 degrees outside!".

"Fantastic cases that I had never seen before"

"Really interactive. A great way to learn"

Feb 2019 course:


"I couldn't recommend this course highly enough for those approaching their 2B"

"Really enjoyable. Had great fun. Not often you say that about an exam course!"

"I have a year to go until my 2B and this has really given me an insight

into what I need to know."

"This course is suitable for anyone doing radiology as you see some great cases taught really well. I am a Consultant and found it really worthwhile."

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